The Solar Dynasty Band

opening hearts and raising consciousness through devotional kirtan and sanskrit mantra

The Boston based Solar Dynasty Band is husband and wife duo Ravi & Lisa Lalita, with other musical friends.

2013-06-01 Lisa & Ravi's Wedding 419a

The Solar Dynasty Band offers a traditional style kirtan that is deeply meditative and devotional. Infused with love & devotion, sanskrit mantra, traditional Indian classical music & rhythms, and personal expression – their kirtan creates an uplifting, healing and sacred space to celebrate and honor the divine presence in us all. Ravi and Lisa view it as their dharma or sacred path to bring the powerful practices of mantra and kirtan to others. Whether playing solo, as a duo or accompanied by other talented musicians, their goal is to uplift and bring people to deeper states of bliss and meditation.

Their kirtan is influenced by Ma Chetan Jyoti, Sadguru Sant Keshavadas, Namadeva Acharya, Devadas and the divine shakti that flows through us all.

They regularly offer kirtan at various venues across New England, as well as accompany other kirtan artists. They play at yoga retreats, yoga classes, churches, temples, living rooms, and various charity and fundraising events.

The Solar Dynasty Band offers this practice with prem (love) and gratitude to all who feel called to this beautiful and inspiring bhakti yoga. All are welcome to share and enjoy this practice with us!


“Lord Ram, May i ask for Your name on the tip of my tongue ~ please give me Your Bajan on my tongue, i offer Namasan Kirtan at Your Holy Feet”