We are happy to announce that Shivananda Sharma from Rishikesh India will be coming to New England in October 2015 with events in New York and Massachusetts! This special benefit tour is for the C J Maa Music School in Rishikesh India, founded by the beloved Maa Chetan Jyoti. Shivananda is the current musical director and principal teacher at the school, which runs solely on the generosity of its donors. Shivananda will be offering his tabla and violin playing at all kirtan events, plus offering music classes.
These events are organized and co-sponsored by Krishnabai of BhaktiSeva Shawls, The Solar Dynasty Band, and Satya Franche & Ma Kirtan. Please join us in raising funds for musical instruments and programs at the C J Maa Music School while bringing local community together for music, devotion & celebration!
Some ways that you can help support the C J Maa Music School and Shivananda’s tour:
•Take a few minutes to learn about Shivananda and his work at the school by reading this page, but more importantly watching the video of the C J Maa Music School (video to the right) featuring Shivananda and his music students. You will be transported to Rishikesh India, hear from Ma Chetan Jyoti, and really understand the impact of his work & commitment on his students and the community. Hopefully you will also feel inspired to help in some way.
•Attend one of the kirtan events, share in the practice of bhakti yoga, enjoy beautiful music and the opportunity to hear a master Indian Classical Musician while supporting the school with your admission donation. Event details are listed below.
•Buy a shawl or other gift from Krishnabai & BhaktiSeva Shawls and know that all of the proceeds will go to support the school. All of the items are beautifully hand crafted in India and will be available for sale at many of the kirtan events. bhaktisevashawls.com
•Take a music lesson with Shivananda in harmonium, tabla, violin or voice; soak up some of his musical knowledge while he is here. Group music lessons in harmonium and voice, and private lessons available on Wed Oct 21st in Medford MA. Lesson details are listed at the bottom of the page.
•Donate a violin you are no longer using, that we will send to the CJ Maa Music School on your behalf. A child in Rishikesh India will use that violin daily in lessons with Shivananda.
•Make a one-time charitable donation in any amount to the school, towards the purchase of a musical instrument or for general music program costs. Your generosity is appreciated, but also know that a small amount can go a long way in India. Donation details are at the right.
•Sponsor a child Many of the music students are from families with very limited incomes. Simple things such as public school examination fees may be out of reach. Sponsorship will help pay for examination fess for students, music lessons, supplies such as guitar or violin strings, and more. Sponsorship is $100. More details and student bios are coming soon. Contact Krishnabai at bhaktiseva108@aol.com for more information.
•Share this information widely with your family, friends & community so that we may send a wave of love, support and financial assistance back to the children of Rishikesh India!
Video/ Get to Know Shivananda & his Students: About the C J Maa Music School founded by Ma Chetan Jyoti.
Please make checks payable to BhaktiSeva, PO BOX 160, Ashby, MA 01431-0160. Paypal donations to Bhaktiseva108@aol.com
For more info about shawl sales and donations, contact Krishnabai at bhaktiseva108@aol.com. For info on music classes contact Lisa at kirtanwithravi@gmail.com.
About the C J Maa Music School and Shivananda Sharma:
The C J Maa Music School was founded by Swami Maa Chetan Jyoti in 1999 with the mission to provide free musical education to impoverished children in Rishikesh India. After her passing in 2008, Shivananda Sharma took over as musical director and teacher of violin, tabla, slide guitar, sitar, santoor, mandolin, as well as vocal. About 50 students come daily after school or college to study Indian Classical Music and devotional kirtan and bhajan, at no cost to the students. The students work toward performing orchestral music in Rishikesh and beyond.
Shivanda Sharma is a multi-instrumentalist with a long history of Indian Classical Music training and performance in tabla and violin. He was born into a musical family in Manipur, eastern India. He has been a disciple of tabla maestro Ustad Ilmas Hussein Khan of Lucknow, and since then he has been performing all over India, Europe and America. Shivananda also studies Indian raga from Barunkumar Pal (hansa veena maestro and disciple of world famous Pandit Ravi Shankar). In 2008, Shivananda finally became a student and friend of renowned Pandit Sukhdev Mishra of Benares whom he had admired for many years, and who now visits Rishikesh to support and teach at the school. Shivananda has devoted his life to studying and now teaching music.
Learn more about Shivananda and the music school: cjmaamusicschool.org
Watch videos of the students in rehearsal and performance: You Tube: C J Maa Music School

All kirtan events will feature Shivananda Sharma on tabla and/or violin, with various local musicians and kirtan wallahs creating music that is full of joyous collaboration and spontaneous celebration. Events are all ages, with donations collected at the door. Donations will go to support the C J Maa Music School.
Saturday October 10th 2015 – Kirtan at a private home
Sunday October 11th 2015, 2:30p Kirtan in Katonah NY
Shivananda will join Satya Franche & Shyama Chapin for a special benefit kirtan at Katonah Mind and Body, Katonah NY.
Suggested Donation $20.
Event Info
Wednesday October 14th 2015, 7p, Kirtan in New York, NY.
Shivananda will join Tamal Krishna/Tom Lena & friends for kirtan
Jivamukti Yoga School NYC
841 Broadway 2nd floor, New York NY.
Thursday October 15th 2015 – Interview with Gary Goldberg
on In The Spirit Radio Show, WRPI, Troy NY.
More details and link coming soon.
Friday October 16th 2015, 7p – 9p, Workshop & Performance in Littleton MA
Mini tala (rhythm) and violin workshops with Shivananda, followed by performance of Indian ragas and kirtan
with Shivananda Sharma and friends
Free and open to the public, with donations collected for C J Maa Music School
Indian Hill Music School
36 King Street, Littleton MA 01460
Saturday October 17th 2015 – Navaratri celebration at private home
Wednesday October 21st 2015, Group music class and private music lessons in Medford MA
7p-9p: Group class exploring elements of Indian Classical Music for voice and/or harmonium.
Daytime: Private music lessons in voice, harmonium, tabla, violin and more.
More details on music lessons is available at the bottom of the page.
Friday October 23rd 2015, 7p-10p, Kirtan in Cambridge MA
at Kitchari Kirtan, the home of Tamal Tom Lena & Shakti Rowan.
118 Trowbridge Street #6, Cambridge MA 02138.
Shivananda will be joined by Tamal Krishna/Tom Lena & Shakti, and The Solar Dynasty Band.
Group and Individual Music Lessons with Shivananda: Wednesday October 21st in Medford MA
Shivananda teaches daily music classes to his students at the C J Maa School in Rishikesh India. Several of us have visited the school and sat in on lessons…and now we have the opportunity for Shivananda to come here and teach us! Sitting with an accomplished musician and teacher for even a short amount of time can provide knowledge and inspiration to spark your skills, creativity and joy. Last year a friend took a private violin lesson with Shivananda which re-ignited her childhood love of violin, and she has been playing ever since!
Group class size is limited so please register early.
Indian Classical Music Class with Shivananda Sharma
for all levels of voice and harmonium
Wednesday October 21st
7p – 9p
Medford, MA (private home)
Cost: By Donation
Come experience Shivananda in his great role as music teacher. This is a wonderful and unique opportunity to sit with a generous and patient teacher to explore elements of Hindustani and Carnatic Indian Classical Music. Shivananda will first discuss tal (rhythm), then introduce a raga (melody), teach a bhajan (song), and conclude with teaching a traditional prayer.
This class is suitable for all levels and for voice and/or harmonium.
Bring your harmonium (if you have one), a notebook and recording device.
All donations will go directly to the C J Maa Music School.
Class will meet in Medford MA at Ravi and Lisa’s home; address will be sent after registration.
Contact kirtanwithravi@gmail.com to register or for questions. Class size is limited so please register early to hold your spot.
For something to aspire to, watch a video of Shivananda and his students performing raaga bageshree.
You Tube: C J Maa Music School Raaga Bageshree
Private music lessons will also be available during the day on Wednesday October 21st for voice, harmonium, violin, tabla, santoor, sitar, slide guitar and mandolin.
Classes will be tailored to your interest and skill level. For example, you may be interested to learn a kirtan or bhajan, focus on a raga, or practice skills for your instrument or voice.
Cost for private lessons: $50 for 50 minutes